python assembler
What is Pyastra?
Shortly, Pyastra is a python to assembler translator. It takes source
file written in python and, if the code contains no errors, generates
an assembler file. Then you may comile it to hex-file using your
favourite PIC assembler (gpasm, mpasm, or any other compatible with
- to bring a python translator to the world of
- to support a wide range of microcontrollers and processors
- to generate compact and effective code
- to be developer- and user-friendly
Questions & Answers
Why the project is named "Pyastra"?
Pyastra stands for PYthon ASsembler TRAnslator.
Why python?
Python is cross-platform and object-oriented. It's easy-to-learn,
easy-to-use, easy-to-read, easy-to-extend. It is also very important
that python is increasingly popular.
Is high level language useful on devices that have few
I think that more than that: very useful. Of course, the
output is not so fast, not so compact and requires more memory than an
application written in assembler by a specialist. But in the latter
case the development takes more time, it's much more easy to insert a
bug and the structure of the application would be flat enough.
Object-oriented languages bring third dimension in your model!
If you have more questions...
You are welcome to forums (https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=106265),
to contact project admins and to use other sourceforge.net's services
available on http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyastra/
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